Fate of a Prosecutor
Fate of a Prosecutor
108 minutes
Hirotoshi Honda, a teacher of a prestigious private girl’s high school, is arrested on suspicion of violating the nuisance prevention ordinance for molestation on a train and sent to prosecutor Sakata. High school student Reina claims he touched her buttocks in the packed train but Honda denies the crime and calls it a fabrication and claims he was blackmailed by Reina on the train platform. Reina denies his allegation. Even for a misdemeanor, Sakata believes not pursuing the truth is like death as a prosecutor.
Stars Takaya Kamikawa, Yuki Matsushita, Mirai Shida, Toru Masuoka, Kanji Tsuda
Directors Kenichi Wasano, Shin'ya Tadano, Masaaki Sakai, Tsukasa Inamine, Shigeru Ito
Fate of a Prosecutor