The Odd Girl
The Odd Girl
90 minutes
Following a long prison term, 30 year-old Céline must find a place in society. Hiding her past, she introduces herself with a new identity to get work for a trial period in a hotel. Céline finds herself endlessly walking a tightrope between truth and fiction. When she meets Idir, despite the threat of being unmasked, Céline falls in love and finds herself a prisoner to her own lies. But how can one live without taking risks?
Genres Drama, Thriller, TV Movie
Stars Laura Smet, Marie Bunel, Samir Guesmi, Oulaya Amamra, Naidra Ayadi
Directors Laurent Perreau, Céline Bozon, Muriel Meynard, Laurent Perreau, Marcia Romano
The Odd Girl