My Seven Little Sins
My Seven Little Sins
98 minutes
The Count of Courvallon, whose gallant exploits have made the headlines, has uncoupled and lives in a pleasant estate in the C te. He has a son, Edouard, and a stylish valet, Antonio. This peaceful life is disrupted by a battalion of penniless girls living in a neighboring villa. Luisella has the nerve to introduce herself to André de Courvallon as his daughter, and immediately her comrades follow suit. The supposed father is not fooled, but his son takes it badly, especially as he has fallen in love with Luisella. Fairy tales always have happy endings.
Genres Comedy, Music
Stars Maurice Chevalier, Delia Scala, Colette Ripert, Maria Frau, Annick Tanguy
Directors Jean Boyer, Aldo De Benedetti, Jean des Vallières, Serge Veber, Jean Boyer
My Seven Little Sins