Autumn Interlude
Autumn Interlude
94 minutes
The story began in the early summer of 1942 when 'Tatsurou' met 'Setsuko' at Karuizawa. Its love at first sight but sadly 'Setsuko' was pledged to marry a stranger by her parent. She ran away from her hometown and arrived at Tokyo in search of her love one. War erupted then and Tatsurou was summoned to service. As be set foot on a snow-capped mountain before his imminent departure, they promised to each other to press on until they meet again. But, soon she was fallen very ill to TB
Genres Romance, Drama
Stars Momoe Yamaguchi, Tomokazu Miura, Shinsuke Ashida, Seizaburō Kawazu, Fukuko Sayo
Directors Mitsuo Wakasugi, Fukiko Miyauchi, Hiroshi Takada
Autumn Interlude