Sun, Moon and Star: Part 2
Sun, Moon and Star: Part 2
113 minutes
Part 1 ended with Jianbai and Su Yanan among the students fleeing the invading Japanese. Part 2 follows the efforts of all four characters to participate in the war effort. Su Yanan joins the army and fights. Jianbai enlists to be near her. A-Lan becomes a nurse at a battlefront hospital and Qiuming entertains the troops. (Grace Chang, Cathay's leading musical star at the time, performs some rousing patriotic numbers in these scenes.) Jianbai is reunited with Su in the battlefield, but...
Genres War, Drama, Romance
Stars Grace Chang, Hsieh Chih, Liu En-Jia, Xiaonong Ma, Tin Ching
Directors Yu Chin, Xu Xu, Evan Yang
Sun, Moon and Star: Part 2