Three Faces of Love
Three Faces of Love
96 minutes
When a gifted Japanese craftsmen dies, his three daughters are summoned to decide who will take over the family ribbon business in this family drama. Only one daughter cares to carry on her father's work, but she is met with resistance from her stepmother. One sister cares nothing for the artisan tradition, while the other is an icy opportunist whose only love is for money. It is the daughter who cares the most for her father's work who wanders away in a symbolic journey of self discovery.
Genres Drama
Stars Michiyo Aratama, Yoshiko Kayama, Mariko Kaga, Mikijiro Hira, Mihoko Shibata
Directors Yumie Hiraiwa, Noboru Nakamura, Masaru Satō, Noboru Nakamura
Three Faces of Love